At this point in a child’s life exams may be the most stressful thing they have experienced. They don’t have the learned skills or the full emotional and intellectual development to handle the pressure. More and more schools and families are invoking mindfulness – the practice of self-awareness – to deal with bad behaviour or…
With exam season looming, it is time to help your child plan their revision schedule, and it is important to consider your child’s natural learning style when you do this so that you can use revision techniques that work best for them. While all children will benefit from the general tips contained in our free…
The Old Art of Revision – why we need to get back to the three ‘R’s We love a label don’t we? With an ‘ology’, ‘ism’ or ‘ic’ to describe almost every facet of how and why our brains work in a certain way, the science of learning has never been more diverse. Our understanding…
The brain is a funny thing, working in mysterious ways. It controls not only our movements but also every decision we make.  However, although many things we do are dictated by outside forces, the way in which we choose to react is up to us. This is our ‘mind set’.  Your mind set plays a…
Sitting Common Entrance exams can be a very stressful time for many children. This is especially true if they struggle with exams or school work in general. Even for those children who glide through school with ease, there is a lot of material to revise. But there are ways to tiptoe through the revision minefield…
Common Entrance (CE) is the name given to the set of exams usually taken at age 11yrs (for girls) and age 13yrs (for boys or co-ed). The exams are set by the ISEB (Independent Schools Examinations Board) but each paper is marked by the school your child is hoping to go on to. This gives…
With the end of the school holidays in sight, some of us will be turning our attentions to the new school year. With 1 in 5 people known to be dyslexic, the new academic year will, no doubt, throw up its fair share of learning (and teaching) challenges. Recognising the signs of learning difficulties is…
Over recent years in the UK, the main focus for dyslexia has been to create awareness and new support in many different ways. However, is this the case in other countries? How does the language you are reading in effect dyslexia? The English Language is called irregular orthography. This means the same combinations of letters…
It is finally that time of year that all the kids love so much, the summer holidays! For many children this is the time where there is no school work and it is all about fun and games. On the other hand who’s to say that some methods of learning can’t be fun as well?…
There has always been the myth that people with dyslexia are stupid or not intelligent. However, this is far from the case. Many people with dyslexia are bright, creative and as adults, have accomplished great things throughout their lives. Â In fact, many dyslexics grace the lists of highly successful businessmen, artists and actors. Dyslexics are…