Building a Better Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher as a Parent of an SEN child

As a parent of a special education needs (SEN) child, it can be difficult to build a relationship with your child’s teacher. You may feel like you are not being heard or that your child’s needs are not being met. However, with a few simple steps, you can establish a strong, positive partnership between you…

Grade Riser Tip #8 – After Lessons Continued

Learning takes place in cycles, and you need to adopt techniques for converting your notes into something you can use for assignments and revision. This also helps in ‘beating the forgetting curve’. In other words, you’ve got to avoid the trap of simply forgetting what you’ve learned! Again, this involves techniques – learn them, and…

How do you build a Better Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher?

As a parent (and especially of a special education needs (SEN) child), it can be difficult to build a relationship with your child’s teacher. You may feel like you are not being heard or that your child’s needs are not being met. However, with a few simple steps, you can establish a strong, positive partnership…

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