Essay Planner #21: Stating Consequences

It’s often necessary to state the consequences of events. This applies to virtually all subjects, e.g. there could be a consequence of a scientific theory, a historical event, a political decision, etc. The vocabulary you can use to state consequences includes: Therefore Accordingly Consequently As a consequence For this reason This is why This is…

Essay Planner #19: Compare and Contrast

We’ve touched on this a few times, but essays are about comparing and contrasting various viewpoints, perspectives, evidence, facts, figures, etc. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so you’ll have to judge how you compare and contrast arguments. Different subjects and topics demand different levels of critique and analysis. For example, some topics are heavily debated with…

Essay Planner #18: To Show The Results

Once you’ve produced the key arguments along with supporting evidence, facts, figures, quotes, etc, you’ll need to start summarising your results. Again, weaving concepts and ideas together should help you form a cohesive passage that naturally points towards a conclusion. Remember, the purpose of the essay is to draw upon multiple sources, and you may…

Essay Planner #15: To Start a Different View

As discussed, many topics require multiple views from different sources. Sources range from large institutions to individual commentators. The vast majority of subjects involve multiple viewpoints – you’ll always find believers and sceptics! As the essay writer, your job is to provide a balanced discussion representing multiple viewpoints, including those you don’t necessarily agree with…

Essay Planner #14: To Introduce Quotes

Quotes are pivotal to a well-constructed essay in specific subjects like history and English. You don’t need many quotes to upgrade the quality of your essay either, and they’ll help you justify your arguments, making the writing more convincing. Quotes might originate from someone who observed events first-hand, i.e. primary sources (common in history), or…

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