Once you’ve introduced a point, you might want to add facts, figures, quotes and other evidence to interweave evidence with discussion. For example, introduce the point, provide some evidence, and then list various explanations for why something occurred or the debates around it. To do this, it’s sensible to write a list. Some questions may…
Once you’ve introduced your point, you’ll need to move on to discussing the core themes, topics, subtopics, argument, evidence, etc. The way you structure your point depends on the subject. For example, in history, you’ll likely be drawing attention to important events and their effects with reference to case studies, references, and so on. In…
Once you’ve written your intro, the next step is to develop the main points of the essay. Each of these points should be supported with evidence and examples to ensure that the argument is convincing and well-reasoned. When you begin each point, you should introduce an idea before you focus on developing it into a…
If you’ve reached the conclusion, breathe a sigh of relief! You’re just inches from the finish line. However, you’re not finished quite yet – you need a conclusion. Writing a great conclusion is essential, so even if you’re tired, it’s time to push yourself a little more to finish your essay. Before you write your…
Focus is key to essay writing success, but it ebbs and flows and sometimes, you might feel yourself gradually losing concentration. If you develop techniques to keep your focus high, your essay will maintain consistency. It’s not possible to remain continually focused for hours on end, so taking breaks is important too – even if…
An ill prepared mountain climb will, most likely, end in defeat or worse. No-one would dream of arriving at the base of Mount Everest with no planning, training or kit and expect to successfully make the climb. Preparing for exams is a little like a mountain climb. You can’t just arrive in the exam room…
Becoming a grade riser means using effort to improve your skill. Not everyone is going to get top marks, but those struggling at the lower end can benefit hugely from some simple changes to how they work. Success and motivation will feed effort and this means looking at where pupils are at the beginning of…
Most paragraphs should follow the same pattern. This might seem boring, but it’s useful for both you and the examiner! Keep things regular and structured, and avoid diverging without being clear about why you’re choosing to do so. Each paragraph should follow that same basic pattern, for example: 1.Point – Mobile phones are better than…
PEE is a common essay technique that helps structure the content itself. PEE consists of three simple steps: 1. Point – what is your point in this paragraph? 2. Evidence – is there proof? 3. Evaluate – what do you think? Each paragraph or section should make a point, provide evidence for that point, and…
The introduction is extremely important for any essay or long answer. By providing a great introduction, you’ll set the tone for the rest of the essay and guide the reader through your intentions and main points. Firstly, you should try to summarise the title in a couple of lines. So, if your title is something…