Your revision location or environment is essential. It’s always good to have one private, quiet room or location where you can revise, whether your own room, a study or a spare room. The school or public library is great for mixing things up a bit if you get bored of revising in your own home…
Once you’ve made a revision timetable and divided your subjects into bitesize chunks, it’s time to create some flashcards and mindmaps. Flashcards are small two-sided cards. On one side, you write a question and on the other side, you write the answer. Keep the question and answer short and simple so you can read them…
It’s important to periodically review your revision progress. Reflecting on how well things are going will help you improve your strategy. For example, if you’re making excellent progress after a week, you can relax a little more (that doesn’t mean stop, though!) If you review your progress and feel that you’re lagging behind – do…
There is no best time to revise, and everyone is different. It’s important to find the time of day where your focus is highest and to take advantage of that time. Bear in mind that if you review too late at night, you might not sleep properly, which will also affect your learning and memory….
Past papers are a superb way to revise and practice exam questions. As you’ll already know, exam questions come in specific formats, which you’ll have to get used to. Therefore, it’s essential to become familiar with the style and format of exam questions. You can find loads of past papers online. Download and print a…
Revision works best in short, intense sessions. This doesn’t mean cramming as much as you can in a short session and then stopping, though! Instead, check your timetable and pick a topic that you can revise non-stop for around 20 to 30 minutes. If possible, stick to the same topic for that entire time. Why?…
Making a revision timetable is the best way to start organising yourself. Without one, you’ll probably end up going over the subjects you find easiest or like the most. It’s really important to focus on some of your weaker subjects, prioritising those in your timetable. A timetable will give you the chance to tick things…
Believe in yourself and be positive! Start each day with a positive visualisation exercise: sit at your desk or table and close your eyes. Then, after a few deep breaths to relax, imagine the day you get your results back, you’ve got all the results that you were aspiring to achieve! With that positive thought…
When you have exams on the horizon, it’s important to get started with your revision as soon as possible. Sometimes, the hardest part is starting, but the sooner you get going, the less stressful it will be in the long run! If you’re struggling to get going, get your revision books and resources out and…
Having chatted to several teachers over the past few weeks, one theme that is coming across time and time again is their concern for how far behind many pupils are. Even worse is the talk of the ‘missed generation’, the multiple year groups who have been affected by school closures, remote learning and lack of…