Category Archives: Oaka Blog

Recommended by Tutorful

We are delighted to let you know that our resources are now being recommended by...

Crazy for Active Learning!

Last week I went to a fantastic talk by Dr Susie Nyman organised by the...

Do you know how your child learns best?

Parents hand over a good amount of their child’s education to school and teachers at...

The key to success at KS3 – learning how to learn

Visual learners and children with dyslexia learn more effectively, for instance, when information is brought...

Making Reading Accessible to All

While teachers want to stretch and challenge their pupils, as well as having targets to...

Learning and Social Interaction in the Classroom

Lev Vygotsky was a Russian psychologist who died in 1938 but his work lives on...

Positive Testing!

With an epidemic of testing in our schools there is a movement against all the...

The Protégé Effect

“Docendo discimus” said the Roman philosopher Seneca: by teaching we learn. This old wisdom has...

The Difference Between Teaching and Learning

A lot of the time the terms “teaching” and “learning” are used interchangeably as if...

Why Are Games So Important for Learning?

We all learn more when we are interested, having fun and repeating information. How many...

Struggling with revision?

Check out our revision packs and games!

Oaka Books Revision Tips Featured Image
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