Category Archives: Oaka Blog

The 3 ‘R’s of Effective Revision

The Old Art of Revision – why we need to get back to the three...

Growth Mind-set

The brain is a funny thing, working in mysterious ways. It controls not only our...

5 Ways to Reduce Stress of Common Entrance

Sitting Common Entrance exams can be a very stressful time for many children. This is...

Love ‘em or Loathe ‘em – Common Entrance Exams

Common Entrance (CE) is the name given to the set of exams usually taken at...

Back to School

With the end of the school holidays in sight, some of us will be turning...

Dyslexia Awareness Across the World

Over recent years in the UK, the main focus for dyslexia has been to create...

Keep going through the holidays

It is finally that time of year that all the kids love so much, the...

Dyslexia and Successful Entrepreneurs

There has always been the myth that people with dyslexia are stupid or not intelligent....

Dyslexia and Genetics

Did I pass on my dyslexia? The answer to that question is ‘very probably’. Research...

The Importance of Being Aware of Dyslexia

Dyslexia comes in many shapes and forms. Each person who has dyslexia will be affected...

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