Category Archives: Revision Tips

Revision Tip #16: Tick It Off

Keeping track of your revision is paramount. Create a big checklist with every single possible...

Revision Tip #15: Or Learn By Doing…

Kinesthetic learners learn by doing things. This rare type of learner benefits from an active...

Revision Tip #14: Or Learn By Listening…

Auditory learners learn best by speaking and listening. If you’re an auditory listener, you might...

Revision Tip #13: How Do You Learn?

Everyone learns differently. There are four main types of learners: Visual: You learn best through...

Revision Tip #12: Take Regular Breaks

If you overwork your brain, you’ll probably find that your revision gets worse and worse....

Revision Tip #11: Be Organised

Good organisation really aids focus and concentration. Some people love being organised when it comes...

Revision Tip #10: The Big No

You guessed it – phones are a big no-no when it comes to revision. There’s...

Revision Tip #9: Where To Revise

Your revision location or environment is essential. It’s always good to have one private, quiet...

Revision Tip #7: Flashcards and Mind Maps

Once you’ve made a revision timetable and divided your subjects into bitesize chunks, it’s time...

Revision Tip #6: Revise and Review

It’s important to periodically review your revision progress. Reflecting on how well things are going...

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