Dr Susie Nyman’s Multi-Sensory Hub
Welcome to the world of Dr Susie Nyman! 🌍✨
With over 25 years of experience as a multi-sensory teaching expert, Susie has dedicated her career to enhancing learning experiences.
As Curriculum Manager at The Sixth Form College, Farnborough, she passionately supports student success with innovative strategies.
An international speaker and author of five books, Susie transforms educational practices. Discover more about her impactful methods and achievements!

Dr Susie’s Multi-Sensory Walks Podcast
Designed for parents and teachers, this podcast is your go-to resource for turning everyday outings into engaging and educational adventures.
Join Dr Susie, an expert in multi-sensory learning, as she guides you through simple walks that become rich, immersive learning experiences.
New episodes every month.
Listen and Subscribe for Free:
Dr Susie’s Biology Books
Dr Susie’s Webinars & Videos

How To Become A Grade Riser Webinar
By Dr Susie Nyman
Mondays & Wednesdays at 12:30PM & 5:30pm (UK time) - approx 30 mins

Mindset and Mental Toughness
By Dr Susie Nyman
Tuesdays at 12:30PM & 5:30pm (UK time) - approx 15 mins

Pass Exams
By Dr Susie Nyman
Thursdays at 12:30PM & 5:30pm (UK time) - approx 15 mins

Preparing for the Exam
By Dr Susie Nyman
Fridays at 12:30PM & 5:30pm (UK time) - approx 10 mins

Success Behaviours
By Dr Susie Nyman
Saturdays at 12:30PM & 5:30pm (UK time) - approx 15 mins

Dr Susie’s Additional Resources
BDA. (2018, April). Dyslexia Teaching Points: Multi-sensory techniques for science. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIzZzbrlK9c
Oaka. (2018, October). Oaka Books & Dr Susie Nyman ‘What is Multi-sensory Learning?’. Retrieved from You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r5i4c7OLDk
Bell House (2019) ‘How can multi-sensory teaching help dyslexics?’ Retrieved from You Tube: https://youtu.be/uAdwciDQWkM
Nyman, S (2024). OCR: ‘A standardized approach to passing exams.’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDeXVQhH7Wo
Eastap, L. et al. (2018). Dyslexia Friendly Schools Good Practice Guide – 2nd Edition. British Dyslexia Association. https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/shop/books/dyslexia-friendly-schools-good-practice-guide-2nd-edition
Nyman, S. (2019). The Multi-sensory Teaching Toolkit. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/products/dr-susie-nymans-multi-sensory-teaching-toollkit
Nyman, S. (2020). How to become a Grade Riser. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/collections/revision-extras/products/how-to-be-a-grade-riser-by-dr-susie-nyman-teacher-must-have
Nyman, S. (2021). Biology: Cell Biology. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/product/gcse-cell-biology/
Nyman, S. (2021). Biology: Microscopy. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/product/gcse-microscopy/
Nyman, S. (2021). Biology: The Cardiovascular and Respiratory System. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/product/gcse-cardiovascular-and-respiratory-system/
A3 Laminated Exam Task Board:
Nyman. S. (2019) The Exam Question Task Board. Chichester: Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/product/exam-question-task-board/
Nyman, S (2019). Sensory Support for Dyslexia. Retrieved from The SEN Magazine issue 103: https://issuu.com/senmagazine/docs/sen103
Nyman, S (2020). Five multisensory activities you can do with your child at home. Retrieved from BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z8fdr2p
Nyman, S (2020). Multi-sensory teaching at home with Dr Susie Nyman. Retrieved from The British Dyslexia Association: https://cdn.bdadyslexia.org.uk/images/BDA-Contact-June-2020V3_interactive.pdf?mtime=20200610133235&focal=none
Nyman, S (2019). Simple ways to boost learning for kids with dyslexia. Retrieved from The Studying with Dyslexia Blog: https://studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/blog/oakabooks-bambi-gardiner-simple-ways-to-boost-dyslexic-learning-for-kids-with-dr-susie-nyman
Nyman, S (2020). How to get an A* in English. Retrieved from The Studying with Dyslexia Blog: https://studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/blog/oakabooks-bambi-gardiner-how-to-get-an-a-in-english-dr-susie-nyman-confirmed-for-the-bda-good-practice-in-dyslexia-and-literacy-conference
Nyman, S (2020). The top ten tips for multi-sensory teaching at home. Retrieved from The Studying with Dyslexia Blog: https://studyingwithdyslexiablog.co.uk/blog/oakabooks-bambi-gardiner-the-top-ten-tips-for-multi-sensory-teaching-at-home-susie-nyman
Nyman, S (2022). Managing health and wellbeing. Retrieved from OCR Blog: https://www.ocr.org.uk/blog/managing-health-and-wellbei’ng/
Nyman. S and Butler. R. (2022) ‘Teaching learners with special educational needs and additional support needs.’ Retrieved from Education in Science. Number 288. May 2022.: https://www.ase.org.uk/sites/default/files/journal-issue/documents/EiS%20288%20May%2022%20Online.pdf
Nyman, S (2020). Multi-sensory Teaching Strategies with Dr Susie Nyman. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/multi-sensory-teaching-strategies-with-dr-susie-nyman/
Nyman, S (2020). How to Become a Grade Riser with Dr Susie Nyman. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/listen-to-the-sendcast/
Nyman, S (2020). A Bird, A Motto, A Legacy – With Dr Susie Nyman. Modern Miss Mason with Leah Boden:
https://anchor.fm/modernmissmason/episodes/A-Bird–A-Motto–A-Legacy— With-Dr–Susie-Nyman-em42rs
Nyman, S (2020). Podcast #95 Biology and Multi-sensory Learning with Susie Nyman
Podcast #95 Biology and Multi-sensory Learning with Dr Susie Nyman
Nyman, S (2021) ‘Science Literacy Toolkit with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast:
Nyman, S (2021) ‘Empowering Mental Health for students with SEND with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/empowering-students-with-send-and-mental-health/
Nyman, S (2022) ‘SEND Christmas Crackers’ with Dr Susie Nyman.’ SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/teaching-students-from-the-inside-out/
Nyman, S (2022) ‘Teaching students from the inside out’ with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/send-christmas-crackers/
Nyman, S (2022) ‘Inclusive Learner Cocktails with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/inclusive-learner-cocktails/
Nyman, S (2022) ‘Student Icebergs with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast:
Nyman, S (2022). OCR: ‘Coping strategies for mental health and wellbeing.’ : https://youtu.be/0YnlVmfPymk
Nyman, S (2022). OCR: Preparing students for exams tips for teachers.’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch3JuRQsyVo
Nyman, S (2023) ‘Using Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction with SEND Pupils with Dr Susie Nyman.’ SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/multi-sensory-stories/
Nyman, S (2023) ‘Multi-sensory Stories with Dr Susie Nyman.’ SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/using-rosenshines-principles-of-instruction/
Nyman, S (2023) ‘Season 2: Episode 6: Multi-sensory tips for SENDCos with Dr Susie Nyman.’ The SEND Network Podcast: https://send-network.co.uk/posts/6-multi-sensory-tips-for-sendcos-with-dr-susie-nyman
Nyman, S (2024) ‘Standardised Approach to Passing Exams with Dr Susie Nyman’. SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/standardised-approach-to-exams/
Nyman, S (2024) ‘Reconstructing the students’ brain using the person-centred approach to learning with Dr Susie Nyman.’ SENDcast Special Needs Podcast: https://www.thesendcast.com/reconstructing-the-students-brain-using-the-person-centred-approach-to-learning/
Nyman, S (2024) ‘Wellesley Woodlands with Dr Susie and Suzie from the Conservation Volunteers’. Oaka Books – Dr Susie Nyman’s Multi-sensory Hub: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-susies-multisensory-walks/id1759557826?ign-itscg=30200S&ign-itsct=podcast_box&utm_content=buffer1f883&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Nyman, S (2024) ‘The Pinetum at Wisely Gardens with Dr Susie and Suzie from the Conservation Volunteers’. Oaka Books – Dr Susie Nyman’s Multi-sensory Hub: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pinetum-at-wisley-gardens-with-dr-susie-suzie/id1759557826?i=1000667939834
Free Webinars:
Nyman, S (2020). ’Dr Susie Nyman’s Multi-Sensory Learning Strategies: 5 Ideas to try at Home and School.’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_h6r9gQ518
Nyman, S (2021). ‘Live Literacy Strategies with Julia and Susie’.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlgw2O2-SPg&feature=youtu.be
Nyman, S (2021). ‘All Aboard Assistive Technology and Student Empowerment.’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFVhf5_nsZw
Nyman, S (2022) Texthelp Festival of Inclusive Education ‘The Student Iceberg.’:
British Dyslexia Association
Nyman, S ((2020) ‘Multi-sensory Toolkit ideas on a Shoestring‘. https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/events/free-webinar-for-parents-multi-sensory-toolkit-ideas-on-a-shoestring
Nyman, S (2020). ‘Simple and Effective Multi-sensory Techniques Children Can Try at Home’: https://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/events/free-webinar-simple-and-effective-multi-sensory-techniques-children-can-try-at-home
Bell House
Nyman, S (2020). ‘Celebrating 25 years of Multi-sensory Teaching.’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16hrxlyFoho
Nyman, S (2020). ‘Multi-sensory Teaching Tips with Dr Susie Nyman.’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16hrxlyFoho
Nyman, S (2021). ‘Success in GCSE Science for Dyslexics.’ : https://www.bellhouse.co.uk/events/2021/4/20/2692xr5hqxqyw0ikeqpa8ljkedia3v
Scottish Book Trust
Nyman. S (2023). ‘Sensory Stories.’ : https://www.scottishbooktrust.com/learning-resources/sensory-stories
Tes SEND Show
Stobbs, P, Nyman, S, Walters, B and Longfield, A OBE (2021). : ‘Opening keynote panel debate – Government SEND review as practice’. : https://send-network.co.uk/videos/opening-keynote-panel-debate-government-send-review-in-practice
Nyman, S and Clouter, J (2023) ‘Preview of ‘The Julia and Susie Show – The Fusion of AT and Multi-sensory Techniques’. : https://send-network.co.uk/videos/julia-and-susie-seminar
Nyman, S and Clouter, J (2023) ‘The Julia and Susie Show – The Fusion of AT and Multi-sensory Techniques’. : https://send-network.co.uk/videos/julia-clouter-dr-susie-nyman-the-julia-and-susie-show-the-fusion-of-assistive-technology-and-multi-sensory-techniques
Nyman, S (2023) ‘What is Research?’ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuFNd7PJQl4
SEND Network
Nyman, S (2023) ‘Season 2: Episode 6: Multi-sensory tips for SENDCos with Dr Susie Nyman’. The SEND Network Video: https://send-network.co.uk/videos/video-edition-of-season-2-episode-6-multi-sensory-tips-for-sendcos-with-dr-susie-nyman?utm_source=user_mailer&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=notify_contributor_about_creating_a_post
Oaka Books
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Multi-sensory Techniques.’ Oaka Books: https://digital.oakabooks.co.uk/course/dr-susie-nyman-multisensory-techniques/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman How to Become a Grade Riser.’ Oaka Books: https://digital.oakabooks.co.uk/course/dr-susie-nyman-how-to-become-a-grade-riser/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Mindset and Mental toughness.’ Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/webinars/dr-susie-nyman-mindset-and-mental-toughness/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Pass Exams.’ Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/webinars/dr-susie-nyman-pass-exams/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Preparing for the Exam.’ Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/webinars/dr-susie-nyman-preparing-for-the-exam/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Success Behaviours.’ Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/webinars/dr-susie-nyman-success-behaviours/
Nyman. S. (2024). Oaka Books. ‘Dr Susie Nyman Multi-sensory learning tips.’ Oaka Books: https://www.oakabooks.co.uk/category/dr-susie-nyman-multisensory-videos/