If you’ve reached the conclusion, breathe a sigh of relief! You’re just inches from the finish line.
However, you’re not finished quite yet – you need a conclusion. Writing a great conclusion is essential, so even if you’re tired, it’s time to push yourself a little more to finish your essay.
Before you write your conclusion, read your essay back and note down your key points, arguments, perspectives, etc. You need to weave these together and wrap them up in your conclusion. Your conclusion should be balanced – while some essays ask for your personal perspective or opinion, this may or may not be appropriate.
In your conclusion, you should:
- Discuss what you have talked about in the essay, including key arguments and perspectives.
- Write a couple of sentences to sum up your main argument.
- Relate back to the intro: did you achieve what you set out to do?
- Talk about how your work contributes to the question/debate/topic.
- Remember to only talk about things you have already included in your essay.
- You should not add any new information in the conclusion.
Conclusions don’t need to be particularly long, just a couple of paragraphs will do. Ensure you wrap up the topic neatly and point back to your intro and title. You should have comprehensively answered the essay question or topic and demonstrate your knowledge.