Forming conclusions is one of the most satisfying parts of an essay. Here, you’ll wrap your points into a short, neat, concise summary. You’ll need to do this regularly throughout the essay as part of your PEE (point, evidence, evaluation).

Some vocabulary you can use to state conclusions includes:

  • In conclusion
  • In short
  • To summarise
  • Ultimately
  • To conclude
  • All things considered
  • The arguments presented suggest that
  • All of this points to the conclusion that

It’s worth noting that some of these words lend themselves to making side summaries, e.g. “In short”. Others lend themselves to the end of a passage, e.g. “To conclude”.

Here’s an example:

“Ultimately, urbanisation is an inevitable side effect of modernisation. The arguments presented suggest that urbanisation can be performed without sacrificing rural industries if the authorities work closely with rural businesses.”

Conclusions should be neat and concise. Don’t include any information you’ve not mentioned previously in the passage.


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