Most paragraphs should follow the same pattern. This might seem boring, but it’s useful for both you and the examiner! Keep things regular and structured, and avoid diverging without being clear about why you’re choosing to do so.
Each paragraph should follow that same basic pattern, for example:
- 1.Point – Mobile phones are better than landlines.
- 2.Evidence – Phone companies state that mobile phones cost less overall to run. In addition, you are less restricted with mobile phones in terms of mobility and can freely move about.
- 3. Evaluate – This shows that mobile phones are more efficient than landlines.
Note the “phone companies state” line in the evidence section. It’s essential to use arguments provided by authorities relevant to the question. It’s a good idea to provide an interesting and diverse selection of evidence from different viewpoints. For example, you might bring in viewpoints from the government, individuals, companies, charities, etc.
In some topics, you’ll need to weave together different points within the same section. You may also need to refer back to previous points that support new points. When referring to a previous point, be clear and precise to signpost the examiner.
Create your points with the examiner in mind – make it easy for them to read and you’ll make it easier for them to give you marks!