Maths can be a tricky subject. Pupils who ‘miss’ something at the beginning can struggle. Fractions 2 covers how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions as well as looking at fractions and their equivalent percentages. Our aim is to produce a set of Maths packs that are clear and simple enough to be used by KS2 children but are not too ‘babyish’ for KS3 (and older teenagers) who need a recap.
This is a fully illustrated Topic Pack covering:
- Glossary of keywords
- Percentages and equivalent fractions
- Numerators and denominators
- Multiplying proper fractions
- Multiplying mixed fractions
- Dividing proper fractions
- Dividing mixed fractions
- Adding and subtracting proper and mixed fractions
- Simplifying fractions
- Times table square
The Topic Pack includes:Â
- Revision Booklet with Glossary of Key Terms.
- Write Your Own Notes workbook.
- Active Learning Game: Percentages and Equivalent Fractions Snap.