Dr. Susie Nyman from the Sixth Form College in Farnborough has developed an effective method using storyboards to help students understand and remember complex narratives and historical events. As the Curriculum Manager for Health and Social Care with 24 years of teaching experience, Dr. Nyman’s approach makes learning more visual and engaging. Below is a transcript of Dr. Nyman’s explanation.

Dr. Susie Nyman from the Sixth Form College in Farnborough serves as the Curriculum Manager for Health and Social Care. With 24 years of teaching experience at the Sixth Form College, she shared an innovative teaching method:

“Storyboards are really, really useful, particularly in religious education where students have to write out a parable or a miracle, and they’re remembering a story. It could also be used in history when discussing events like the Battle of Hastings, for example.

A boy came up to me and asked me to go through the wedding at Cana one day with him, and I said, well, a really good way to do it will be to use a storyboard. So first of all, the wedding took place in Galilee, and what happened was, after a while, the wine ran out. So they asked people to go and get vessels, they filled the vessels with water, and Jesus then changed the water into wine.

This sort of example could be used for history, for example, the Battle of Hastings, or even the Black Death. Another really good example would be sequencing Henry VIII’s wives.”

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